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Automation of One-Step Realtime PCR for Diagnosis of HBV

Automation of One-Step Realtime PCR for Diagnosis of HBV

One-tube or one-step realtime PCR technology based molecular diagnostics has preferred requirement of automation of sample processing for PCR preparative work. The automation not only saves time and effort, but also improves processing capacity, eliminates human error, and ensures batch consistency of reagents and samples in the detection and diagnostic process of clinical samples. With the objective of providing an effective automated solution to the diagnostic industry, validation of VERSA 10 Workstation was successfully completed for Hepatitis B Viral DNA Quantitative Fluorescent Diagnostic Kit.

VERSA 10 with hood– Compact Automated Liquid Handling Workstation. This robotic liquid handler can conduce qPCR and PCR Set-up Sequencing Reaction Set-up Nucleic Acid Purification Microarray Spotting Immuno and Biochemical Assays Cell-Based Assays Environmental Sample Preparation General Liquid Handling – dilution, plate reformatting, and aliquoting. For 96 well plates and 384 well plates.

VERSA 10 Workstation