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Proteomics and Metabolomics – Streamline Spectrometry

VERSA-1100, Automated liquid handling System, with 15-positioned modular deck configuration with options such as magnetic bead vortex, shaker-heater and ReagentDrop, For 96 well plates and 384 well plates.

Proteomics and Metabolomics – Streamline Spectrometry

Streamline your mass spectrometry sample preparation!

Aurora’s automated mass spectrometry sample preparation workstations provide complete walk-away solutions for both Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) and Liquid-Liquid Extraction (LLE) protocols. Our pre-programmed methods fully process raw samples before drying and reconstituting extracted target compounds for further analysis.

Utilizing functional modules in conjunction with Aurora’s automated extraction systems, crafting fully automated processes adhering to both SPE and LLE protocols can be seamlessly conducted. Custom programs and protocols are also possible with our intuitive software. Increase reproducibility and sample throughput, reduce repetitive strain originating from manual procedures, and free up personnel time for more important tasks, all by using our liquid handling workstations.

If you have any questions regarding seamlessly incorporating new modules or software into your lab, contact us today—we can help integrate your equipment and instruments with our automated extraction systems.