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COVID-19 Posts

Mobile testing for COVID-19. The bCUBE unit can test for COVID-19 or test immunity to COVID-19 in remote locations. Image of a COVID-19 virus on the left. On the right is a person holding the bCUBE system in the palm of one hand. The text reads COVID-19 mobile molecular testing.
There are a few problems with using PCR as a molecular tests. These problems include cost, wait times, and testing location. The new bCUBETM system solves these problems, while also providing a mobile solution. Thanks to PCR testing, the first case of the 2019 novel coronavirus in North America w...
Monkeypox is in the same family as smallpox, and shares similar symptoms. Monkeypox is different from COVID19 for several reasons. Monkeypox has clear visible symptoms, it has been around for a lot longer, and we currently have a vaccine that can be used. The outbreak of Monkeypox in 2022 is very different than the outbreak of COVID-19.
Lab Based Antibody Testing for COVID-19.
There are several tests to determine if you have COVID-19. These tests identify SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 in different ways. Antigen tests detect molecules present on the outer surface of the virus. RT-PCR looks for the presence of the virus’ genetic material. Antibody tests look...