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Automated Genomic DNA Isolation – VERSA 1100 NAP/PCR Setup

Automated Genomic DNA Isolation – VERSA 1100 NAP/PCR Setup

A high-quality genomic DNA preparation is essential for downstream applications. This process was automated using the Versa 1100 Nucleic Acid Purification and PCR Setup Workstation from Aurora Biomed Inc. Aurora’s AB96 Magnetic Bind Blood DNA Isolation kit (Cat # MB-7899), was used to isolate genomic DNA from pig’s blood in a 96-well format. High, sharp molecular weight DNA bands of approximately 23 kbp in size were detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. Further qualification of the extracted samples was completed by using the purified samples as templates for the amplification of actin. Efficient recovery of DNA was indicated by the lack of detectable nucleic acids in both the wash fluids and a second elution. The concentration of isolated gDNA was consistently between 10.0-15.0 ng/μL.

VERSA-1100-AD-Right-Reflection 4x5